Cyan H2 LLC is developing a large low-carbon fertilizer project (650k TPY) utilizing Green and Blue Hydrogen. Project assists both transitioning coal and tribal communities. Offtake, supplies, and CO2 management achieved. Cyan is a part of the U.S. DoE's Title 17 Clean Energy Financing Program, and has privately raised $250 million.
Cyan H2 LLC was awarded - through a highly competitive Request For Proposal (RFP) process - Southeast Montana Development Corporation's and U.S. EDA's grant to conduct Low-carbon Hydrogen Technical Feasibility Study for Rosebud County, Montana. Of note, Colstrip Power Plant (1,480 Megawatts) and Rosebud Coal Mine - providing the feedstoc
Cyan H2 LLC was awarded - through a highly competitive Request For Proposal (RFP) process - Southeast Montana Development Corporation's and U.S. EDA's grant to conduct Low-carbon Hydrogen Technical Feasibility Study for Rosebud County, Montana. Of note, Colstrip Power Plant (1,480 Megawatts) and Rosebud Coal Mine - providing the feedstock for the power plant - are within area of study. Completed study due 01 September, 2023.
Cyan H2 LLC is working with strategic partners on a large low-carbon power generation project.
Cyan H2 LLC is working with strategic partners on the largest low-carbon Hydrogen project in North America ($7.2 Billion total project cost).
On 20 June, 2023, Cyan's invention regarding "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR THE GENERATION OF POWER USING FUEL CELLS” became patent pending. Cyan is now working with a leading fuel cell company to establish the largest fuel cell plant in North America. Because of the invention, Cyan believes fuel cells will increasingly be used for double and t
On 20 June, 2023, Cyan's invention regarding "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR THE GENERATION OF POWER USING FUEL CELLS” became patent pending. Cyan is now working with a leading fuel cell company to establish the largest fuel cell plant in North America. Because of the invention, Cyan believes fuel cells will increasingly be used for double and triple-digit megawatt power generation. The fuel cell plant will not only provide rare low-carbon behind-the-meter baseload power for a larger facility - with surplus power eventually going to the grid - but actually make the facility safer for workers and the environment.
Cyan H2 LLC co-developed a proprietary solar system supportive of innovative Green Hydrogen production. In Q1 2023, a foreign ministry - via formal letter - requested Cyan install up to 2.6 Gigawatts of the proprietary system - valued over $2 billion - preceded by pilot project. As well, Cyan and partner have briefed the National Securi
Cyan H2 LLC co-developed a proprietary solar system supportive of innovative Green Hydrogen production. In Q1 2023, a foreign ministry - via formal letter - requested Cyan install up to 2.6 Gigawatts of the proprietary system - valued over $2 billion - preceded by pilot project. As well, Cyan and partner have briefed the National Security Council (Executive Office of the President) and other U.S. government stakeholders regarding the proprietary solar system's differentiated potential. In turn, NSC recommended our technology to U.S. government funding authority for evaluation.
Though Cyan H2 LLC was not a formal participant in the $2.35 Billion Blue Hydrogen project in Beulah, ND - canceled in January, 2023 due to changed CO2 management incentives in the Inflation Reduction Act - Cyan introduced Mitsubishi Power Americas, the largest participant, over several meetings in September and October, 2020, to the sign
Though Cyan H2 LLC was not a formal participant in the $2.35 Billion Blue Hydrogen project in Beulah, ND - canceled in January, 2023 due to changed CO2 management incentives in the Inflation Reduction Act - Cyan introduced Mitsubishi Power Americas, the largest participant, over several meetings in September and October, 2020, to the significant Blue Hydrogen potential of the Williston Basin/Bakken - and, specifically, of the Great Plains Synfuels Plant in Beulah, ND. In June, 2021, Mitsubishi announced North America's largest Blue Hydrogen project in Beulah, ND, based at the Great Plains Synfuels Plant. In September, 2022, Mitsubishi preliminarily secured $1.7 Billion in U.S. Department of Energy financing for the project.
In late 2020, notified that the Lewis and Clark Power Plant in Sidney, Montana - as well as the Savage Mine that supplied the plant its feedstock - were scheduled to be shuttered, Cyan H2 LLC commenced a technical feasibility study and, upon completion, made a bid to the owner to acquire and retrofit the plant into a low-carbon Blue Hydro
In late 2020, notified that the Lewis and Clark Power Plant in Sidney, Montana - as well as the Savage Mine that supplied the plant its feedstock - were scheduled to be shuttered, Cyan H2 LLC commenced a technical feasibility study and, upon completion, made a bid to the owner to acquire and retrofit the plant into a low-carbon Blue Hydrogen facility. Cyan assessed that its offer for the plant would be accretive to the utility's ratepayers and shareholders and preserve 50 direct and 200 indirect jobs while being climate-friendly. While the offer and counteroffers were ultimately not accepted, Cyan gained invaluable experience regarding the interplay between regulated utilities, public service commissions, and legislatures. In Q3 2021, the scheduled demolition of the Lewis and Clark Power Plant commenced.
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